Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I love her..
The purity of her spirit,
The endless kindness
Of her being,
The gentleness in her touch,
The way her face lights up
When she smiles,
The unsurpassed radiance
In her eyes,
The way she looks at me,
And seems to see
Deep within me to
A private place of beauty
That no one else ever noticed.
She knows me better
Than anyone else
And she takes me
To a places where no one
Has ever traveled,
A place of serenity
And light.
She reaches beyond my body
To the deepest area
Of my spirit,
And the wind that
Passes between our souls
Is warm and eternal.
I’m lucky to know her.
I’m lucky to have her.
To think that she chose me
Over any other,
Takes my breath away.